My ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 earbuds are not connected to each other
Try resetting your ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 earbuds. You can now reconnect ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 to your device.
I experience issues with stability and connection
Try to delete the pairing between ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 and your device on the device. You do this by accessing the Bluetooth settings on your device and choose "forget ROCKit S" / “SACKit Rock 100”. Now pair ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 and your device
ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 is not playing music while connected to my device
If ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 is not playing music even though your device shows it should be, you have to manually choose to play from ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 in your device settings. Please refer to the instruction of your device or specific app for further information.
My ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 does not turn off when placed in the charging case
If ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 earbuds do not turn off when placed in the charging case the case needs to be charged. Please turn off the earbuds manually by pressing the touch button on one of the earbuds for 10 seconds and charge your ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 case
My earbuds do not play with the same sound volume
As ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 is an in-ear headset they can be clocked with earwax and dirt. Try removing the silicone tips from the earbuds and clean the small filter.
If it is not possible to clean the filter or this does not solve the problem, please contact our customer service on
My ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 earbuds do not turn on when they are removed from the charging case
Try placing the earbuds into the charging case and charge ROCKit S / SACKit Rock 100 for minimum 2 hours before using the earbuds